
Scott Livengood Launches New Book, Story Intelligence

Did you know that four in ten Americans haven’t discovered a satisfying life purpose? And nearly 25 percent of us don’t have a strong sense of what makes our lives meaningful? In a world where so much social media emphasis is put on personal fulfillment, those numbers are surprising. But authors Richard Stone and Scott Livengood are on a mission to give readers the skills and motivation to reach their path to personal and professional fulfillment through the art of story with their new book Story Intelligence: Master Story, Master Life.

With praise from the likes of New York Times best-selling authors Daniel Pink and Shawn Achor, Story Intelligence is a must-read in a year where many are feeling unsure of their path as humans adjust to many “new normals.”

Story Intelligence teaches readers to become a master of their story-a pursuit which is critical to personal and professional success. Developing one’s Story Intelligence, or SQ, amplifies and unleashes every aspect of intelligence, including IQ and EQ. The tools presented in Story Intelligence allow readers to make space
to better hear themselves, listen more deeply to others, change dysfunctional beliefs, as well as bridge differences and solve difficult challenges using story-based solutions.

“Our hope is that readers acquire the tools to become the authors of their lives,” said Stone. “In this way they can begin to heal the deep wounds of the past and forge a path of their own making.”

“Story Intelligence provides those seeking a way to live a more full, vibrant, and rich life a new set of tools and a new way of observing and participating in life,” said Livengood. “Given that story is the common denominator of our individual and collective experience in the world, for someone to live at their highest potential, I believe it is essential to master story, its fundamentals, and its powers. In other words, to develop their Story Intelligence.”

In advance of World Storytelling Day in March, Story Intelligence will be available on,,, and on March 18, 2021. To learn more, visit